Excel or Excell: The Key to Perfect Spelling


Ronnie Dawson

Have you ever been stuck wondering whether to use Excell or Excel? The spelling can be confusing, but the correct choice is important. Excel is a well-known program on the computer, but it also means to do something really well. 

On the other hand, Excell is a mistake and does not exist in the language. Many people make this writing error, and regardless of profession, it’s crucial to understand the rules of grammar and spelling to express thoughts clearly.

Today, we will take a quick tour to review this case and figure out how to avoid this common confusion. Everyone should enjoy learning, and with a small effort, we can create a habit of using the right words. Books, articles, emails, and even orally spoken words can be impacted by a simple miss in written form. 

Whether it’s a formal paper or casual reading, choosing the better option enhances knowledge and helps reach the goal of effective communication. The way we use words shapes our understanding, and Excell is one that should be avoided.

Excell or Excel: Which one is correct ?

Many people make the mistake of using Excell, but the correct word is Excel. It is spelled with one ‘L’ and refers to the ability to succeed or surpass others. Whether you’re talking about the Microsoft program or an extraordinarily challenging situation, choosing the right spelling is important to avoid a common misspelling.

What do “Excell” and “Excel” Mean?

The Meaning of “Excel”

Meaning of Excel

The word excel means to surpass others or be better than them in a specific area. It is often used to describe someone who performs exceptionally well in activities like math, languages, or even sports like basketball

When you excel, you are exceeding the usual standards and achieving success. For instance, when someone excelled in their subjects, they went beyond what was expected. This is the action of being superior in a particular field or activity.

“Excell” as a Misspelling

On the other hand, Excell is just a misspelling of the word Excel. It’s easy to confuse these two words because they sound the same, but the correct spelling is Excel. While Excell may be used mistakenly in written communication, it’s important to remember that the word we mean is Excel—whether referring to outdoing others or using the Microsoft program

The right term helps to avoid confusion, especially when talking about tools for tasks like analyzing data or creating charts.

Excel in Everyday Life

When you excel at something, it means you are performing better than most people in that area. Whether you’re playing the violin, performing in a sport, or working on a project, excel means you’re reaching a high standard. 

Excellence is about overcoming challenges and outdoing yourself. People who strive to excel often set new standards and break through barriers, whether in work, school, or personal life. The term excel encompasses the idea of always improving and becoming the best version of yourself.

Origins of the Word “Excel”

The word “Excel” has its origins in the Old French word “exceller”, which comes from the Latin term “excellere”. This term means to surpass or be superior to others, which led to the evolution of the word in the English language. Over time, “Excel” became a verb that signifies something outstanding, like performance or accomplishment, implying a remarkable level of excellence

The 15th century marked its rise as a transitive verb, describing an action to surpass and show superiority. The word continues to evolve, retaining its core meaning of excellence and superiority in modern use.

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Key Difference between “Excell” and “Excel”

Difference between “Excell” and “Excel
  • Excel is the correct spelling, while Excell is a misspelling.
  • Excel is a widely-used software program developed by Microsoft.
  • Excell is not recognized in standard English and is considered incorrect.
  • The word Excel as a verb means to surpass or be exceptionally good at something.
  • The correct spelling of Excel uses a single ‘l’, while Excell uses a double ‘ll’.
  • Excel helps with organizing, analyzing, and manipulating data, which makes it a powerful program.
  • Excell can cause confusion or misunderstanding due to its incorrect spelling.
  • Excel is used in formal writing and is recognized in standard English usage.
  • Excell, with its incorrect spelling, may lead to lack of recognition in professional or educational settings.
  • Excel is associated with outperforming, excelling, and memory, whereas Excell fails to meet these standards.
  • To remember the correct spelling, think of Excel as dropping the “ent” from the word “excellent.”
  • Excell deviates from the accepted spelling of Excel, leading to potential confusion in communication.
  • In any standard English usage, the correct spelling is Excel, whereas Excell lacks recognition.
  • The popular program, Excel, is used for organizing and analyzing data—skills that would be difficult to achieve with Excell.
  • Excell is likely to cause misunderstanding in professional writing or academic settings due to its incorrect spelling.
  • Excell has no name or valid recognition in the field, while Excel is a recognized program that provides excellent performance.
  • Excel is often used by professionals to accomplish tasks like organizing data, which is not achievable with Excell.
  • Excell and Excel differ mainly in spelling and potential confusion that arises from using the incorrect version in communication.

Tenses of the Verb ‘Excel’ with Examples

The verb “excel” is commonly used to show excellence or surpass others. It can be used in various tenses to describe actions over time. Here’s a breakdown of the tenses, along with examples:

TenseHelping VerbMain VerbExample Sentences
Present Simpleexcel“He excels in sports.”
Present Continuousis/areexcelling“They are excelling in their projects.”
Present Perfecthave/hasexcelled“She has excelled in her career.”
Past Simpleexcelled“He excelled in the final exams last year.”
Past Continuouswas/wereexcelling“The team was excelling before the pandemic.”
Future Simplewillexcel“She will excel in her new role.”
Future Perfectwill haveexcelled“He will have excelled in his career by next year.”
Future Perfect Continuouswill have beenexcelling“They will have been excelling in their studies for years.”

In each tense, “excel” conveys the idea of surpassing others, performing better than expected, and achieving excellence in various fields like sports, music, career, and projects.

Why Did We Add an Extra ‘l’ in ‘Excelled’ and ‘Excelling’?

When we change “excel” into its past tense (“excelled”) or its gerund form (“excelling”), we add an extra ‘l’ to the word. This happens because the stress in the word shifts from the first syllable (ex-CEL) to the final syllable (ex-CELLED and ex-CELLING). 

According to spelling rules, when a word ends in a single vowel and a consonant, and the stress falls on the final syllable, we double the final consonant before adding suffixes like -ed or -ing. This helps ensure pronunciation remains consistent, making the word easier to say and recognize. Without the extra ‘l’, the pronunciation would sound incorrect.

Why Is It So Easy To Get Confused With The Words “Excel” And “Excel”?

The words “excel” and “excell” sound the same but can cause confusion because of their spelling. The base form of “excel” has only a single ‘l’, but when forming the past tense or gerund, we add an extra ‘l’ (as in “excelled” and “excelling”). This shift in spelling helps maintain clarity in pronunciation

However, people often mix them up due to the similar sound and meaning. Incorrect spelling like “excell” is not grammatically correct, and understanding these spelling rules can be tricky. The complexity of these changes often leads to misunderstanding, especially when writing. Recognizing how the stress changes helps maintain spelling consistency and ensures the word is used properly.

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Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences that demonstrate how excel can be used in different contexts:

  1. “She excels in math and solves complex problems with ease.”
  2. “The team excels at soccer, winning many matches each season.”
  3. “He excelled in art and was awarded a prize for his creative productions.”
  4. “Many athletes strive to excel in their chosen sports.”
  5. “The sales team has worked hard to excel in meeting their goals this quarter.”
  6. “After months of practice, she managed to excel in her final exams.”
  7. “The competition was fierce, but he managed to surpass all the others.”
  8. “The team excels at customer service, ensuring high satisfaction levels.”
  9. “Her performance in the race showed her ability to excel under pressure.”
  10. “He excels in literature and has read hundreds of books.”
  11. “Their innovations in digital technology helped them excel in the market.”
  12. “She managed to excel in the most difficult challenges of the program.”
  13. “His strengths in writing helped him excel during his career.”
  14. “The company has set high standards for employees to excel in their roles.”
  15. “After all the pressures, he still managed to excel in his performance.”
  16. “With hard work and persistence, you can excel in any career.”
  17. “The team excels in swimming, regularly winning medals at competitions.”
  18. “She was able to excel under stress and pass her final exams.”
  19. “He has a natural ability to excel in running and races.”
  20. “Many students who excelled were awarded scholarships for their achievements.”

Synonyms of Excel (with one “l”)

  • Surpass
  • Outshine
  • Outperform
  • Shine
  • Thrive
  • Succeed
  • Be superior
  • Be outstanding
  • Master
  • Triumph
  • Prevail
  • Be the best
  • Do well
  • Achieve
  • Top

How Do People Use The Word “Excel”?

The word “excel” is commonly used to describe when someone overcomes their limitations and succeeds in their efforts, whether in tangible or intangible tasks. People often use the word to illustrate excellent quality in things, showing how the final result has exceeded expectations

It’s also used in the context of competition, where individuals or teams strive to establish their objectives and prove their desire to be the best. In a professional setting, many associate the term with Microsoft and its calculation software

The term’s meanings have evolved over time, expanding its usage to both personal achievement and professional contexts, highlighting a standard of excellence in various fields.

Use Of “Excel” In Computer Science

The word “Excel” is often recognized more for its association with Microsoft than its traditional definition as a verb. In the world of computers, Excel is synonymous with spreadsheets, a tool of massive importance in data management. People often use Excel to organize, analyze, and visualize information. 

Its concepts are crucial for many computer applications, as it serves as a standard for data entry and calculations. While many know it through its use in business or personal tasks, the influence of Excel stretches across many industries, making it an essential part of modern computing.

The Origin Of Microsoft Excel

In 1985, Microsoft launched its Excel software, a popular program designed to help operators manage and organize data into columns and rows using mathematical formulas. Before Excel, the Lotus Development Corporation with Lotus 1-2-3 was the dominant spreadsheet market leader, especially on personal computers running the MS-DOS operating system.

Microsoft saw a considerable market opportunity and developed a competing spreadsheet program with powerful graphics and faster data processing. It was also compatible with Apple’s Macintosh, filling a niche that Lotus had neglected. This allowed Excel to quickly become the go-to spreadsheet program.

In 1987, Microsoft released a new version of Excel for the Windows operating system. By then, Lotus was too slow to respond, allowing Excel to expand its market share and dominate the 1990s as the leading spreadsheet tool. 

Over the years, Excel has continued to evolve, incorporating essential improvements such as toolbars, drawings, 3D graphics, and specialized functions to enhance its usefulness for users.

Excel as a Powerful Tool

One of the most popular uses of Excel is as a program that helps you organize and analyze information. Microsoft Excel is widely used in both schools and workplaces to manage numerical data, create charts, and analyze complex problems.

It’s an excellent tool for managing tasks and improving performance in various fields. Whether you are tracking grades, performing operations, or managing a team, Excel provides the tools necessary to succeed. By using Excel efficiently, you can improve your proficiency and achieve your goals.

Examples of Excel in Microsoft

Excel is widely used in various areas for both personal and business purposes. Here are some common ways people use Excel:

  1. A teacher uses Excel to track studentsgrades.
  2. You can use Excel to create a weekly schedule to stay organized.
  3. A family may use Excel to manage their family expenses.
  4. Many people use Excel to create charts and graphs for projects or reports.
  5. You can use Excel to manage your groceries and create a shopping list.
  6. Excel is helpful for tracking time and managing tasks.
  7. You can use Excel for financial analysis, including budgeting and accounting.
  8. People often use Excel to plan a vacation itinerary.
  9. Excel is great for creating tables to organize data like business expenses or income.
  10. You can use Excel for financial modeling and to analyze different scenarios.

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In the journey of mastering Excel, it’s important to understand that spelling errors, like writing “Excell” instead of “Excel”, are common mistakes. However, improvement comes from recognizing these errors and using them as fuel for further study. Just like any software program, Excel is a powerful tool for communication, ideas, and performance

It can help you achieve success in various tasks, but only with continuous study and focus. Language and technology evolve together, and with the right knowledge and an inseparable companion like Excel, you will gain clarity and mastery over time. A long and satisfactory journey lies ahead as you improve your skills, so don’t be afraid of making mistakes—they’re part of the learning process.

Resources: dictionary.com (excel), merriam-webster.com (excel), dictionary.cambridge (excel)

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