Ronnie Dawson

Pre vs Post

Pre vs Post: Get It Right Every Time!

When learning English, knowing the difference between “pre” and “post” is essential because these prefixes can significantly change the meaning of a word. The right prefix helps to clarify what is happening before or after an event, making writing clear and effective.  I remember struggling with these terms while reading an article, but once I … Read more

Scrapped or Scraped

Scrapped or Scraped: Master This Confusion!

The words scrapped and scraped may seem alike, but their meanings are quite different. These two homophones often lead to mistakes, especially when writing in English. If you’ve ever had a slip-up while typing and autocorrect suggests the wrong word, you’re not alone! Even spell-check won’t always judge them correctly since both words are spelled … Read more

Too Cute Or To Cute

Is It Too Cute Or To Cute? Get It Right Now!

The distinctions between “too” and “to” are crucial for mastering English. Many speakers get confused because these homophones sound similar but have different meanings. The misinterpretation of these words can lead to misunderstandings in both written and spoken communication.  A simple trick to avoid this common mistake is to remember that “too” often refers to … Read more

Moment vs. Momment

Moment vs. Momment: Ultimate Guide to Clarity!

Many people face confusion when they see words that look almost identical, but their meanings are completely different. One common misspelling is “momment” instead of the correct spelling, “moment.”  This small mistake might seem casual, but it can lead to misunderstandings in communication. As a writer, I have seen many beginners struggle with such linguistic … Read more

Looking Forward to Seeing You

Looking Forward to Seeing You: Use It Like a Pro!

When we say we are looking forward to something, we are showing anticipation and excitement for an upcoming event. Whether it’s a conference, a casual face-to-face meeting, or a weekend party, using this phrase helps in expressing emotions naturally. In both professional and personal settings, this phrase can help strengthen relationships and create a sense … Read more