Verbs that Start with A: Boost the vocabulary 


Ronnie Dawson

Learning new words is an exciting journey that can accelerate your vocabulary and boost your ability to communicate effectively. When you pick up a list of verbs that start with A, you begin to explore a wide range of dynamic and engaging action words that enhance both your writing and speech

These verbs help you organize your thoughts and express yourself with clarity. From common words to those that are less frequently used, each verb holds the potential to improve your language skills. 

Whether you’re a student looking to improve your grammar, a writer seeking to diversify your sentence structures, or someone aiming to expand their communication abilities, mastering these verbs will be a great step forward.

By diving into the alphabetical list, you’ll delve into verbs like ask, answer, and arrive, which are often used in everyday contexts, as well as those like ascertain and amplify, which are perfect for more precise and professional language. 

Enhancing your writing and speaking with these verbs will not only help you in academic and professional settings, but also in everyday conversations. You’ll start to recognize how each word functions within different contexts, helping you build a well-rounded toolkit for clearer and more effective communication. These verbs are not just words; they are the building blocks of better expression.

Whether you are looking to strengthen your communication skills or transform the way you express ideas, verbs that start with A offer a rich variety of tools to help you achieve that. With regular practice and careful attention to their meanings, these verbs can amplify the depth of your expressions and give you the confidence to articulate your thoughts more effectively.

Verbs that Start with A


Exploring the Verb Concept

what is  a verb?

A verb is a word that shows action or describes a state of being. It is an essential part of every sentence, linking the subject to its action or description. For example, in the sentence “The puppy adopted a new toy,” “adopted” is the action verb, showing what the puppy did. 

Verbs can change in form to express different tenses, such as past, present tense, or tense changes. The way a verb changes over time is often called tense-shifting or verb tense. In sentences, verbs work with the subject and object to create meaning and give us a clearer idea of what’s happening.

Additionally, verbs can be categorized into dynamic verbs, like action verbs, which express specific actions, and linking verbs, which connect the subject to additional information or descriptions. For example, “Harold is excited,” where “is” is a linking verb, showing the state of the subject. 

Irregular verbs and regular verbs each follow their own rules, and understanding verb rules can help you use them correctly. In short, verbs are the backbone of a sentence, helping to express actions, changes, and even states of being in a variety of ways.

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Verbs Starting With A ( + Meaning ) 

abandon“to leave something behind”
abase“to make someone lower, by humiliation or demotion”
abate“to become less or lower in amount or force than at a prior time”
abbreviate“to use a shortened form of something to represent the full form”
abduct“to illegally take away a person by using force or coercion”
abolish“to destroy, get rid of, or stop something”
absorb“to soak up”
accept“to willingly take, receive, or agree to an object or idea”
accuse“to say another person is at fault for doing something wrong”
act“to do something; to engage in a behavior”
adjust“to change something to a better fit or to be more suitable”
admire“to regard someone or something with delight and approval”
adopt“to decide to use; to make something yours”
adore“to love very much”
advise“to offer input about what should be done”
affect“to produce a change in something”
afford“to supply or provide something; to be able to buy something”
agree“to have the same opinion or views”
aim“to point or direct with a particular goal in mind”
allow“to permit or to give permission”
alter“to make something different without completely changing it”
amend“to modify or alter something, often for the better”
amuse“to behave in a way that is entertaining”
analyze“to examine something in a methodical manner”
announce“to make something publicly known”
annoy“to irritate or disturb”
answer“to give a response to a question”
anticipate“to expect something to happen in the future”
appeal“to make an urgent request for something necessary or desired”
appear“to seem or look a certain way”
applaud“to clap one’s hands to show approval or praise”
apply“to make a formal request; to put something into use”
appoint“to choose an individual for a position or office”
approach“to move close to something”
approve“to sanction something”
argue“to engage in verbal disagreement”
arrive“to show up for something or to reach a destination”
ask“to inquire about something in order to get an answer, response, or action”
aspire“to work toward a goal you strongly want to reach”
assault“to threaten or make a physical attack”
assert“to state something in a confident manner”
assign“to designate responsibility or purpose”
assist“to provide help”
assume“to believe something to be true without seeking proof”
assure“to verify or provide reassurance”
attach“to fasten an item to another item”
attempt“to make an effort to do something”
attend“to be present at something”
avert“to keep something from happening”
avoid“to shun, to stay away from or prevent”

Positive verbs that start with an A

Here is a list of positive verbs starting with the letter “A.” These verbs are commonly used to express action that brings about progress, change, or appreciation. They are ideal for building a positive mindset and advancing in different aspects of life. Below, you’ll find their meanings along with examples of how they are used.

Advance“To move forward or make progress.”
Assist“To help or support someone in achieving something.”
Admire“To regard someone or something with respect or approval.”
Accomplish“To successfully complete a task or goal.”
Adapt“To adjust to new conditions or circumstances.”
Affirm“To confirm or state positively.”
Adopt“To take on or accept something new, like a practice or idea.”
Amplify“To make something stronger or more intense.”
Aspire“To strongly desire or aim to achieve something.”
Acknowledge“To recognize or admit the truth of something.”
Align“To arrange things in a straight line or in proper position.”
Appreciate“To recognize the value or worth of something.”
Attract“To draw in or make something appealing.”
Achieve“To successfully reach or accomplish a goal.”
Adore“To love someone or something deeply.”

These verbs not only describe actions but also reflect attitudes that encourage personal growth, kindness, and support. I’ve personally found these verbs to be incredibly useful in my journey, especially when working on self-improvement and achieving set goals.

Action verbs starting with A

Achieve“To successfully reach a goal or accomplish a task.”
Admire“To regard with respect or approval.”
Adore“To love and respect deeply.”
Assist“To help or support others in their endeavors.”
Accomplish“To complete or achieve something successfully.”
Advance“To move forward or make progress.”
Adopt“To embrace or take on a new practice, idea, or attitude.”
Affirm“To assert or confirm positively.”
Aspire“To have ambitious goals or aim for high achievements.”
Amplify“To increase the strength or impact of something.”
Attract“To draw interest or admiration.”
Activate“To make something active or start it functioning.”
Acknowledge“To recognize the presence or validity of something.”
Align“To bring into proper or desirable coordination or relation.”
Adapt“To adjust to new conditions or needs.”

Verbs Starting with A + ?

Verbs Starting with AB

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AB:

  1. Abandon
  2. Abate
  3. Abbreviate
  4. Abduct
  5. Abolish
  6. Absorb
  7. Accept
  8. Accuse
  9. Accommodate

Verbs Starting with AC

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AC:

  1. Accelerate
  2. Accept
  3. Accommodate
  4. Accomplish
  5. Accumulate
  6. Accuse
  7. Achieve
  8. Activate

Verbs Starting with AD

Verbs Starting with AD

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AD:

  1. Add
  2. Adapt
  3. Adduce
  4. Address
  5. Adjoin
  6. Admire
  7. Adore
  8. Adopt
  9. Advance
  10. Advertise

Verbs Starting with AE

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AE:

  1. Acknowledge

Verbs Starting with AF

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AF:

  1. Afford
  2. Affirm
  3. Afflict
  4. Afford

Verbs Starting with AG

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AG:

  1. Agree
  2. Agitate
  3. Aggregate
  4. Aggravate

Verbs Starting with AL

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AL:

  1. Alert
  2. Align
  3. Allocate
  4. Alter
  5. Alleviate

Verbs Starting with AM

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AM:

  1. Amass
  2. Amaze
  3. Amend
  4. Amplify
  5. Amputate

Verbs Starting with AN

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AN:

  1. Analyze
  2. Announce
  3. Annoy
  4. Anticipate
  5. Annihilate

Verbs Starting with AP

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AP:

  1. Apply
  2. Appear
  3. Appreciate
  4. Applaud
  5. Appoint
  6. Approach
  7. Approve
  8. Appeal

Verbs Starting with AR

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AR:

  1. Argue
  2. Arrest
  3. Arrive
  4. Arrange
  5. Articulate

Verbs Starting with AS

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AS:

  1. Assert
  2. Assess
  3. Assign
  4. Assist
  5. Assume
  6. Assure

Verbs Starting with AT

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AT:

  1. Attack
  2. Attempt
  3. Attend
  4. Attract
  5. Attribute

Verbs Starting with AU

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AU:

  1. Authorize
  2. Augment
  3. Automate

Verbs Starting with AV

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AV:

  1. Avoid
  2. Avail

Verbs Starting with AW

Here’s a list of verbs that start with AW:

  1. Awaken
  2. Await
  3. Awake
  4. Award

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Example Sentences With A-Verbs

VerbExample Sentence
Achieve“She worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.”
Admire“I admire her dedication to helping others in need.”
Adore“They adore their new puppy and shower it with love every day.”
Assist“He was quick to assist his colleague with the challenging project.”
Accomplish“After months of preparation, they were able to accomplish their goal.”
Advance“He hopes to advance his career by gaining more experience in the field.”
Adopt“They decided to adopt a child from another country after years of trying.”
Affirm“The teacher’s kind words helped affirm my confidence.”
Aspire“She aspires to travel the world and experience new cultures.”
Amplify“The speaker used a microphone to amplify his voice so the entire crowd could hear him.”
Attract“The vibrant colors of the flowers attract many bees.”
Activate“Please activate the security system before leaving the office.”
Acknowledge“It’s important to acknowledge the efforts of your team.”
Align“The company’s mission statement was aligned with its core values.”
Adapt“As technology evolves, we must adapt to the changing landscape.”

Essay about Top verbs that start with A

Verbs that begin with A are essential in communication, as they help us express ideas, actions, and emotions clearly. For instance, words like analyze, adapt, and advance allow us to explore and examine situations. They give us the tools to synthesize information and understand complex topics. 

These verbs are often used to define our actions or influence how we perceive the world. Additionally, verbs such as articulate and express help in sharing thoughts with others in a meaningful way.

Some verbs starting with A also reflect the importance of communication and collaboration. Verbs like assist, empower, and collaborate show how we work with others to achieve goals. They give us the flexibility to adjust and perform different tasks. 

Moreover, verbs like reflect, acknowledge, and alter highlight the need to think about our actions and make adjustments as we go. These verbs shape how we approach various aspects of life, whether personal or professional.

In addition, verbs such as influence, transform, and shift show the power of change and adaptation. They help us evolve and understand the world in new ways. Visualize and realize help us see potential outcomes and create a clearer picture of what lies ahead. 

These verbs are indispensable when it comes to problem-solving and creating new solutions. Each of these A-verbs serves as a powerful tool to express, adapt, and grow in a dynamic world.

Top 10 commonly used verbs that start with letter “A”

  • Ask
  • Agree
  • Apply
  • Accept
  • Achieve
  • Act
  • Adapt
  • Affect
  • Advise
  • Appear

Application of Commonly used verbs that start with A

Verb Database

When it comes to verbs starting with A, building a verb database is crucial for learners aiming for language mastery. By categorizing verbs into relevant categories, you can quickly locate the right action words, whether you’re tackling real-world scenarios or improving your writing tasks. Each verb in the list offers contextual explanations, helping users understand its application better. Through repeated practice verbs like “ask,” “adapt,” and “assist,” you’ll gain more fluency in daily communication.

Interactive Learning

Interactive learning is one of the most engaging ways to approach verbs starting with A. Using tools like flashcards or quizzes, learners can test their proficiency in various situations. For example, practicing the verb “act” in different contexts helps strengthen understanding. Additionally, interactive games motivate users to correct mistakes and revisit verbs they might have forgotten, enhancing their language skills in a fun and effective manner.

Thematic Lists

Organizing verbs into thematic lists makes the learning process smoother. For example, categorizing verbs into action-based, mental, or communication-related verbs can improve learning efficiency. This method aids in building connections between words, making it easier for users to recall verbs like “ask,” “arrange,” or “agree” when writing or speaking. Thematic categorization not only enhances comprehension but also makes it easier to integrate these verbs into real-world scenarios.

Writing Assistance

Writing assistance is key for applying verbs effectively in structured sentences. If you’re learning how to use the verb “accept” or “analyze,” a writing assistant feature can provide suggestions and help you form correct structure in your sentences. Whether you’re writing tasks for a test or just crafting a simple sentence, the tool can suggest synonyms, help with grammar tips, and point out any mistakes in verb usage, improving your writing flexibility.

Search and Bookmark Functionality

A good search and bookmark functionality allow users to quickly find verbs starting with A. For example, if you’re looking for verbs that indicate action or communication, you can use the search tool to find examples like “arrange,” “ask,” and “advise.” You can also bookmark your favorite verbs or those you need more practice with, making it easier to access them during your learning journey.

Language Challenges

One of the biggest language challenges when learning verbs starting with A is understanding how to use them correctly in different contexts. For example, verbs like “assert” or “approve” may be used in more formal settings, while verbs like “ask” or “act” fit everyday conversation. Understanding the appropriate context for each verb is essential to overcoming these challenges and achieving verbal proficiency.

Grammar Tips

When it comes to grammar tips, mastering verbs starting with A often requires attention to their conjugation. For example, “arrange” may change in tense, so knowing how to conjugate it in the past, present, and future tenses can significantly improve your writing and speaking skills. Regular review of these rules will ensure correct verb usage and prevent grammatical errors from slipping through.

Community Features

Learning verbs starting with A is more fun and effective when you can share your progress with others. Platforms that feature community features like discussion boards or peer feedback can provide valuable insights into how others use these verbs. Engaging in discussions about your mistakes and celebrating your successes can enhance your learning experience and motivate you to continue.


The flashcard feature is a fantastic tool for mastering verbs starting with A. Flashcards allow you to review and reinforce verb usage, helping you retain them better. You can create your own flashcards or use pre-made ones from language learning tools. By including example sentences, you can see how verbs like “answer” and “adapt” work in context, boosting your language enrichment.

Customization Options

Lastly, customization options in language learning platforms allow users to adjust their learning style and pace. Whether you prefer interactive learning or need audio support for better pronunciation, the ability to customize the learning tool ensures that each user can maximize their learning goals. By tweaking settings to suit your needs, you can focus on mastering verbs starting with A in a way that’s most effective for you.

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Frequently asked questions

What type of word is an A?

The letter “A” can function in different roles depending on the context. It is primarily an indefinite article used before singular, countable nouns to talk about something unspecific, like “a cat” or “a chair.” It can also be used as a noun when referring to the first letter of the alphabet or even a grade, such as “I got an A in the test.” In some older English usage, “a” was used as a preposition meaning “on” or “in,” like in “a-hunting.”

What is a word that is formed from a verb?

A word formed from a verb is called a derivative. These derivatives can be nouns, adjectives, or adverbs created by adding certain suffixes to the base verb. For example, from the verb “run,” you get the noun “runner,” or the adjective “running.” These derivatives preserve the core meaning of the original verb but serve different grammatical purposes.

What is a simple active verb?

A simple active verb directly expresses an action carried out by the subject of a sentence. It shows what the subject is doing right at that moment or in a general sense. For example, in the sentence “She sings beautifully,” the verb “sings” is a simple active verb, describing the action she is performing.

What is an A in grammar?

In grammar, “A” is an indefinite article. It is used before singular, countable nouns to indicate that the noun is one of many possible items and not specific. For instance, in “She picked a flower,” “a” refers to any flower, not a particular one. It is typically used before words starting with a consonant sound.

What is an example of a verb noun?

An example of a verb noun is a gerund, which is the -ing form of a verb used as a noun. For instance, “running” is the noun form of the verb “run.” In the sentence, “I love running in the morning,” the word “running” is a noun that represents the activity or action of running.

How do you identify a verb?

To identify a verb, look for a word that shows action or state of being in a sentence. Verbs describe what the subject is doing (action verbs) or the condition/state the subject is in (linking verbs). For example, in “He talks loudly,” the word “talks” is the verb as it describes the action. Similarly, in “She is tired,” the verb “is” shows the state of being.

Is a verb a doing word?

Yes, a verb is often called a “doing word” because it describes an action, such as running, jumping, or talking. However, verbs can also express states of being or existence, like “am,” “is,” or “are.” These show the condition of the subject without necessarily involving physical action.

What is a positive noun that starts with A?

A positive noun that starts with “A” is achievement. This word represents the successful completion of a goal or a task, like when someone earns a promotion or graduates from school. Other positive nouns include “admiration,” which refers to respect and approval, and “affection,” meaning love and care.

What is one adjective that starts with A?

An adjective that starts with “A” is adorable, which describes something or someone that is charming, lovable, or easy to like. For example, “That puppy is so adorable!” conveys how the puppy’s cuteness makes it easy to adore.

What attitude starts with letter A?

An attitude that starts with “A” is assertiveness. It refers to the quality of expressing one’s opinions, desires, or feelings in a confident and direct manner while respecting others. Someone who is assertive is able to stand up for themselves and communicate their thoughts without being aggressive or passive.

What is a word that means kind beginning with A?

A word that means kind and starts with “A” is altruistic. This refers to a person who selflessly cares about the well-being of others and is willing to put others’ needs before their own, often in acts of generosity and care.

What is a funny adjective that starts with A?

A humorous adjective starting with “A” is absurd, meaning wildly unreasonable or ridiculous. It’s used to describe things that are so silly or outlandish they can make you laugh, like “The idea of a flying car is absolutely absurd.”

What word starts with A that means help?

The word assistance starts with “A” and means help or support. It’s often used when someone is offering aid in times of need, such as “I need assistance with my homework.”

What is a noun that starts with A to describe a person positively?

A positive noun that begins with “A” to describe a person is altruist. An altruist is someone who is deeply concerned for the welfare of others and often acts to help them without expecting anything in return.

What attitude starts with letter A?

Another positive attitude that starts with the letter “A” is appreciative. It describes someone who values or is grateful for the good things in life, showing respect and thankfulness toward people and situations. For example, “He was always appreciative of his team’s hard work.”

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